There’s no way around it. If your plan is to continue to grow and compete, you must begin to apply advanced technologies that simplify the ordering process for you customers. So eventually you will need to populate your team with folks who know and embrace technology. You now have a wide selection of 3rd party technology partners from which to choose. Take your time when making your decision–the people with whom you partner will be just as important as the technology you choose.
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Online Ordering 101
Making the Transition to Online Ordering
Growth of Online Ordering
Top 5 Benefits of Online Ordering
Trends Every Dealer / Provider Must Know…
How much does this cost?
TUO does not charge any start-up fee nor monthly subscription. Similar to how credit cards work, TUO charges a small percentage off the item price of any items (not against shipping, taxes nor handling fees) you include in any online store. The more you transact, the lower your rate goes. TUO does this so as to find and partner with those who recognize that online ordering can (and will be) the key to growth in the future.
I am not sure my customers are looking for this. How do I convince them that online is where it's going?
Frankly, they are not the ones that need convincing. You are. The majority of organizations and the parents / players / employees they support have long ago embraced online ordering. If you’re not convinced, you would be wise to poll a few of your current customers and ask a simple question—if I offered online ordering as THE way to simplify the ordering process for you, would you be interested? You might be surprised.
I do not have a sales team that knows / understands technology. Is this a difficult thing to sell?
In the short term, the answer would be no. Any e-commerce provider you select should offer sales and marketing resources your team can use. TUO has a full library of resources and a staff of sales and marketing experts who can assist you every step of the way. In the long(er) term you would be wise to carefully review and change: a) the skillsets of your sales organization (technology competency will be important); b) how you position what you do (orient to convenience, service and delivery); c) how you do your sales presentations; d) how you contract and partner with prospects.
Can I open a trial account?
Since TUO does not charge any start-up fee, there is really no reason for a trial account. Instead, you can get started right away and, if you decide that this is not a good fit for your business, you can cancel anytime.
How long will it take us to get our first online stores launched?
Generally you can get you new account open within 30 minutes of a signed Agreement, and can have your first online stores ready to go within 2 business days. TUO sets up your first 5 online stores for you at no charge.
What kind of support will you provide?
You will work closely with the CEO of the company and each account has a dedicated Client Specialist. Additionally, the entire TUO staff is always available literally one click away (TUO Connect button within your account). TUO also offers dedicated, online Customer Support to each and every one of your online shoppers at no additional cost to you.
What makes you better than the others?
Professing “being better or the best” would be arrogant. There is no such thing with technology. Instead, it is important to note that all software is not created equally. So it would be imperative you analyze and understand your needs, first and foremost. Then, and only then can you choose the solution that is best for your business. It is also important to note that the three key differences with the TUO platform vs. all others is: 1. Roster-based technology (the TUO platform enables you to easily import large rosters or employee lists that further automates the ordering process for everyone); 2. You can use your own Credit Card Merchant account if you choose; 3. No start-up fee, therefore no risk to get started.
Do you ever share or sell the collected data from my TUO account?
No. Never! Your data is your data and we do not attempt to monetize that which is yours.
How long have you been in business?
TUO started out as an automated ordering solution for large soccer clubs and leagues in 2008, working directly with some of the largest soccer dealers in the country. Today TUO works with over 3,000 dealers and providers in all sports, corporate apparel and even promotional products.
Are you owned by someone other than the people working in the business every day?
TUO has never received any outside funding. As such, you work directly with the full and complete owners of the company.
This business is all about "relationships." So convince me why "online" is where it's at!
We agree! Relationships remain the key to success for all businesses. However, what has changed drastically is the basis of those relationships. In today’s world, the cornerstone of all relationships is the trust that emanates from always being “in service and available” to your customers. Whether you want to face up to it or not, more and more, technology tools provide the means for improving and providing the best customer service you can.
Will we have to substantially change how we do business?
Initially, no. We do what we do best so you can do what you do best. Having a technology partner at your side means you can focus on what you do best—sell and serve more customers. But if we’re being totally honest, with the rapid transition to everything online, you would be well advised to consider how you CAN re-direct and re-position what you do in the coming years, leveraging the best technology has to offer.
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